

Håkan Osvald

Håkan Osvald

Senior Vice President General Counsel

This e-learning tool uses six interactive learning modules to raise awareness of the UN Global Compacts 10th principle against corruption and the UN Convention against corruption.

Interactive learning modules

  • module 1

    The unwelcome gift

    Receiving gifts and hospitality

    In this module you will meet Eve, a market analyst who is attending a one-day event organized by a consultancy company.

  • module 2

    The arrangement

    Gifts and hospitality towards others

    Carl is arranging a technical seminar for external participants, including some public officials from abroad.

  • module 3

    To pay or not to pay

    Facilitation payments and corruption

    Peter from the purchasing unit is on a business trip. He is asked to pay money to the customs officer without being offered a receipt.

  • module 4

    The mystery middleman

    The use of intermediaries and lobbyists

    In this module you will meet Dianne. Her department has been working on an upcoming tendering round in a new country.

  • module 5

    The strange letter

    Corruption and social investments

    In this module you will meet Christina. Her company is bidding for a new exploitation license when it receives a request from government officials to support a student program.

  • module 6

    The insider

    Insider information

    The daughter of a company’s employee wants to buy shares in the group. However, her father has inside information which could influence the price of the company’s share.